Saturday, October 6, 2012

[9/1/12] - HF News

The edition you are currently reading is the 107th full edition. To read any older editions of HF News, please go here.

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Hack Forums marked as unsafe by Google
Earlier this week, several Hack Forums members were welcomed to the site only to find warning messages claiming that HF was a potentially harmful site. Site owner Omniscient contacted Google as soon as the issue was brought to notice, and everything is now resolved. It seems that Hack Forums was labeled as a harmful site due to a rouge ad network possibly attempting to infect members. It is believed that this HF pandemic had a minor affect on the site's traffic, mainly in relation to newcomers, but the regular visitors seemed relatively unscathed. To view Omniscient's thread on this matter, click the following link:

Hack Forums blocked Microsoft emails
After the ordeal with Google and it's malicious website notification, it has lead to Microsoft noticing the issue, and resulted in MS flagging HF's domain MX record IP. This, in result, will disallow members from receiving emails from the site. This also means that members can't receive register confirmation emails or password recoveries. Omniscient has stated that he is working to fix this issue, however it may take multiple days, since Microsoft is known to be less punctual in comparison to other companies when it comes to customer service. To view Omniscient's announcement thread on this event, click the following link:

Junked posts deleted
Over 900,000 posts were deleted this week when Omniscient cleared the junked posts section. He has not, however, recounted posts, so members will not see a drop in their post count just yet. To view Omniscient's tweet about this, click the following link:

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User News
Burn™ and Shekhar reached 1000 reputation points!
ัPandaŠec is now the Moderator of the WiFi section.

Аnalog received the Sticky Man award.
sea_turtles received the YouTube award.
ZooT ツ received both the Master Donater and Businessman awards.

Group Leadership Changes
  • Diabolic is no longer a leader of Rhythm.
  • Saturday is now a leader of Rhythm.
  • ShadowCloud is no longer a leader of Eminence.
  • Existence is no longer the owner, or even a leader, of Valor.
  • BV1 ツ is now the owner of Valor.
  • Hades is no longer a leader of The Empire.
  • Existence is now a leader of The Empire.
  • SoulZeh is now a leader of The Empire.
  • McFlurry is now a leader of The Reviewers.
  • -BoodyE- is now a leader of The Reviewers.

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Radeon HD - Do you use Google Chrome? You're now in the botnet.

Strokes - I Can Prove God Does Not Exist

Rexagon.exe - Why do you NOT believe God?

Erudite - Where is society going wrong with today's youth?

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Interview - Saturday

Phytrix:Welcome to the 107th edition of the HF News Saturday! As a customary, any shoutouts for your fellow HF members?
Saturday: Yupp, shout outs to Yellows, SoulZeh, Positive, Soulmate, Pocky, yourself, and all other friends I've made here.

Phytrix: Thanks for the shoutout, and I'm sure all of the others will be happy to see their names up there as well. Why don't you enlighten us on what brought you to HF, and kept you here?
Saturday: I first joined HF last May because all of my friends kept talking about it on Xbox Live. Naturally, I wanted to see what it was all about so I made an account. Back then selling/trading Xbox Live GamerTags was pretty big, so I started doing that for a while. I've made good money off that and have been here ever since.

Phytrix: Good to see that HF's promotion market extends even off of the web. How does one go about obtaining XBL GTs, are there any tricks to sales, and how did it feel when you first tried to enter the HF Marketplace?
Saturday: Oh gosh, back then it was hectic. This was before the rule where only l33ts/ub3rs could make threads there was made. But a lot of jacking/stealing accounts occurred. It was much easier, now Microsoft's security has improved greatly. As for tricks, having the most post active thread in that section sure helps. (Almost 400 posts)

Phytrix: Haha, I'm sure it does. Some, Rhythm members in particular, would be aware that you recently were promoted into a leadership position for Rhythm. How has this position taken affect on you so far, where do you think it will take you, and why do you think you were offered the position in the first place?
Saturday: Let me first say it's EXTREMELY stressful. I've noticed and others have too, that I'm more stressed out recently. I've been keeping up with the group and trying to improve it to the best of my ability, but I'm getting a lot of heat from other members about it. Where do I think it will take me? I'm not sure yet, only the future knows. And I believe I was offered the position because of my activity within the sub forum and the friendship I've made with many of the members there.

Phytrix: Well, hopefully you continue to do great work in such a challenging position. As some of your closer mates would know, you browse HF mainly from an iPod. Why, and how, do you use an iPod regularly and still have a decent wad of quality posts?
Saturday: Yes, actually. I've made over six thousand of my posts solely off my iPod. The main reason, I don't have a PC. Well I didn't, I actually got one a few days ago. (8/27) But dedication. I love being part of HF's community, and to do that, I have to post one way or another. I'm so glad I finally got a PC though, no more iPod. It's funny actually, I've yet to download Skype so I'm doing this interview off my iPod as we speak.

Phytrix: Definitely describes dedication. Tell us about yourself, just in general.
Saturday: Okay, I'm mostly a gamer. Halo, CoD, etc. But more recently I've veered off from that road and mostly browse HF and do stuff outside of the Internet. As for my gender, I'm a male. I know a lot of you thought I was a female for whatever reasons you may have heard, but no. I can assure you, I'm a male.

Phytrix: I see. You're too lame to be a female, Saturday, so I don't know why anybody would think that. What things would you change about HF if you had the chance?
Saturday: Lol, funny. What would I change? Hmm, good question. I can't think of any major changes that NEED to be made. Possibly a moderator of the GamerTag section/Appraisals and Pricing. Staff, hit me up. lol. But other than that, and all these new groups that recently came out, nothing.

Phytrix: While we are on the topic of changes, what about the HF News? What are your views/opinions on it, and how do you think it could be improved?
Saturday: I love the news. I make sure to check it out every week. I like being filled in on the bans and notable accomplishments and whatnot. I don't think it needs to be improved. I enjoy it just the way it is.

Phytrix: Great to hear... What do you think is an appropriate age for voting, drinking and smoking, if you think there is any age when it is appropriate?
Saturday: I think the age for voting is adequate. You really don't start thinking about who you really want running your country until you're out oh high school and you're more mature. As for drinking, I believe it should be raised a bit to at least 25. How many stories do you hear about college kids getting drunk and doing crazy things? Smoking, never. I recently lost a loved one due to lung cancer last May from smoking and it devastated me. I don't like the idea of it at all.

Phytrix: There will always be discussion on the topic, and making a globally accepted age would be close to impossible. I'd like to thank you for joining us today Saturday. Any final thoughts/comments?
Saturday: Thanks so much for interviewing me, man. Can't wait to see this week's edition. Bye.

Interview - Tibit

Phytrix: Welcome to the 107th full edition of the HF News, Tibit! As a customary, we usually let members give any shoutouts to their close friends or partners. Have any shoutouts?
Tibit: Sure, I'd like to give a shoutout to Existence, SoulZeh, Phegget (Yellows), Airon, Angrybrit, Glassy, +Awesome, and Baked.

Phytrix: I'm sure that all of those members will be happy to see their names up there. How were you originally introduced to HF, and what were your intentions?
Tibit: At first I joined HF when searching for sites to do research on when I was preparing for a Cyber Security Competition known as USCyberPatriot.

Phytrix: I see. That kind of thing must require a detailed knowledge of network security, and coding. What languages do you know, and how did you originally learn things (excluding HF) about coding? Why did you decide to learn to code?
Tibit: The competition is pretty easy to be honest. I created a vbscript with a co-worker that does majority of the work for us, the only thing that is hard, is finding other people with interest and knowledge of basic security principles to assist. Hopefully my book that gets published in December will make it easier for others to learn the basic security principles. As for coding, I mainly study web-development (PHP, Html, etc), but now I am focusing on C++ for my class work while Majoring in Computer Science.

Phytrix: Sounds interesting. As most would know, you are the owner of Empire. How is the group going, and what are your future plans for it?
Tibit: The group is going well, we were more active than even Rhythm for quite awhile there even though they had 150+ more members than us, we are limiting the group size to 40, we currently have 36. However, school starting up for most and I, myself, moving away to University has slowed activity. We are increasing it once again and have well over 13,000 posts in the group (the post counter is broken for it so it should be around 15,000 - 16,000). In the near future we will be making several changes. I have just chosen to switch up our leadership team with the addition of SoulZeh and Existence along with the removal of Hades. We will also be allowing members to apply via a recruitment thread this week.
The recruitment thread is up and can be found here.

Phytrix: I see. Hopefully the group is impressed with whatever you have planned. While we are on the topic of groups, what do you think makes a good/successful group?
Tibit: A successful group is one that meets it's goals as set by the group's leadership, and a good group in my opinion is one that is active and has a strong bond between the leadership and the members, those two traits alone is all a group needs to be able to meet it's goals.

Phytrix: Most definitely. How were you able to scrounge together the funds for Empire?
Tibit: The co-leaders had raised some of it, but the majority is out of my pocket, mainly through sales of my software and other products. The group will be paid off shortly. I also have quite a bit stored up from competitions and consultiing jobs I've done over the last month or so.

Phytrix: Great to hear. What are your plans IRL, if you don't mind sharing, for the future? Are you planning on taking up a profession in the computing/programming field?
Tibit: I currently am co-authoring a book on Corporate Security and work for a private firm doing Cyber Security Consulting for clients. I plan on continuing work related to that field and getting my Doctorate in Computer Science.

Phytrix: Sounds interesting. Does being the owner of a group affect you at all? Has it slowed you down, or heaped stress onto you, hence having an affect on your work or life?
Tibit: Not really, it has been more fun than stressful. It does take a bit of work, but the members are great and I have a dedicated team assisting in the day to day management of the group.

Phytrix: A dedicated team must help with the workload. The name Tibit is quite a unique one. Is there any kind of story or personal meaning behind it?
Tibit: It has been my IRL nickname for the last 7 years. The story of how I got it is a bit long so I won't go into that, but it stuck and I like it. Almost everyone that knows me calls me by it, even my co-workers and some of our clients.

Phytrix: Haha, that's an interesting one. If you had the ability to reform or change some things on HF, what would they be?
Tibit: Only things that come to mind is better group management tools, adding the group Power that was announced last year, and implementing the vouch system. The site doesn't really need much changing, just improvements and updates from time to time.

Phytrix: I agree. Well, thanks for joining us for this edition of the HF News Tibit. Any final/thoughts comments before we wrap it up?
Tibit: Nope, thanks for having me. Enjoy your evening.

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