The edition you are currently reading is the 111th full edition. To read any older editions of HF News, please go here.
Omniscient Offers Mercy Day/HEV Hunted
Earlier this week, Omniscient stated that he was offering a 'mercy day' to those who've had their accounts closed for whatever reasons. Members with their accounts closed simply had to use the Contact Form. It's unaware if he forgave everyone who applied to be forgiven, and most definitely not Honor Et Veritas. Honor Et Veritas was the previous owner of the Coders usergroup and is infamous for more or less scamming Omniscient and paid members of the usergroup. Anyhow, Omniscient offered a 'reward' for whoever could track down Honor's new account, which Honor claimed to be 'very reputable'. It seems that Honor's new account was actually Syndicated, although the person who released this info is anonymous. You can read Omniscient's thread on the tracking down of HEV here. You can read Omniscient's tweet on the mercy day here.
Google Authentication
A few days ago, Omniscient announced that he was working on an "exciting new feature for HF". He also stated that it would be one of his favourites and would help protect/secure HF accounts. Only a few hours after that tweet, another tweet was posted linking the feature. The feature is Google Authentication. This Gauth system is currently only available to Ub3rs, as it's still in beta stages. "Google Authenticator is a mobile application that allows you to generate verification codes on your smartphone without a network connection. Gauth is available on Android, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and BlackBerry Devices," MarkMare explapined. To see the feature, click here. To see how to use this feature, you can view MarkMare's how-to thread here.
Deal Dispute Database - Beta
The long awaited Deal Dispute database was finally released this week. Good timing as well, as xerotic's scam database was recently shut down for cost/time purposes. Anyhow, the DB was in a beta stage for roughly 3 days, and as such, was only available to Ub3rs. It's now available to all members. The DB has 5 columns, which include: thread, claimant, defendant, amount and status. Members can add a person to the database by going to the page and following the prompts (fill in info on the page). The DB has been going smoothly and few issues have arose yet. Hopefully it continues to go smoothly. The dispute database can be viewed by following this link:
Rap Battle Possibility
There have been multiple suggestions for a rap battle section over the past few months and it seems that they haven't gone unnoticed. Omniscient announced in a thread two days ago that he is considering it and started taking inputs on the topic. It seems he is slightly on-the-fence about this one, although from the responses provided in his thread, it seems it will most probably go ahead. The thread has received 10 pages of responses to date and a decision is expected to be made relatively soon. Positive responses will most probably persuade Omniscient rather than he himself weighing out the pros/cons. I'm sure our poets and minstrels will be excited to see the outcome of this one! To view Omniscient's thread on this matter, click the following link:
User News
Pocky reached 20,000 posts while Saga reached 10,000 posts! Congratulations to both of you!
quincie♥ reached 100 posts.
Group Leadership changes
Godlike_ - Do you believe in Aliens?
Rapture™ - And Then 0 Multiplied.
Ryan Frost - Natural Timetravel
Khoshy - Would the existence of extraterrestrial life disprove Christianity?
Interview - Feir
Interview - Paradoxum
Earlier this week, Omniscient stated that he was offering a 'mercy day' to those who've had their accounts closed for whatever reasons. Members with their accounts closed simply had to use the Contact Form. It's unaware if he forgave everyone who applied to be forgiven, and most definitely not Honor Et Veritas. Honor Et Veritas was the previous owner of the Coders usergroup and is infamous for more or less scamming Omniscient and paid members of the usergroup. Anyhow, Omniscient offered a 'reward' for whoever could track down Honor's new account, which Honor claimed to be 'very reputable'. It seems that Honor's new account was actually Syndicated, although the person who released this info is anonymous. You can read Omniscient's thread on the tracking down of HEV here. You can read Omniscient's tweet on the mercy day here.
Google Authentication
A few days ago, Omniscient announced that he was working on an "exciting new feature for HF". He also stated that it would be one of his favourites and would help protect/secure HF accounts. Only a few hours after that tweet, another tweet was posted linking the feature. The feature is Google Authentication. This Gauth system is currently only available to Ub3rs, as it's still in beta stages. "Google Authenticator is a mobile application that allows you to generate verification codes on your smartphone without a network connection. Gauth is available on Android, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and BlackBerry Devices," MarkMare explapined. To see the feature, click here. To see how to use this feature, you can view MarkMare's how-to thread here.
Deal Dispute Database - Beta
The long awaited Deal Dispute database was finally released this week. Good timing as well, as xerotic's scam database was recently shut down for cost/time purposes. Anyhow, the DB was in a beta stage for roughly 3 days, and as such, was only available to Ub3rs. It's now available to all members. The DB has 5 columns, which include: thread, claimant, defendant, amount and status. Members can add a person to the database by going to the page and following the prompts (fill in info on the page). The DB has been going smoothly and few issues have arose yet. Hopefully it continues to go smoothly. The dispute database can be viewed by following this link:
Rap Battle Possibility
There have been multiple suggestions for a rap battle section over the past few months and it seems that they haven't gone unnoticed. Omniscient announced in a thread two days ago that he is considering it and started taking inputs on the topic. It seems he is slightly on-the-fence about this one, although from the responses provided in his thread, it seems it will most probably go ahead. The thread has received 10 pages of responses to date and a decision is expected to be made relatively soon. Positive responses will most probably persuade Omniscient rather than he himself weighing out the pros/cons. I'm sure our poets and minstrels will be excited to see the outcome of this one! To view Omniscient's thread on this matter, click the following link:
Pocky reached 20,000 posts while Saga reached 10,000 posts! Congratulations to both of you!
quincie♥ reached 100 posts.
- WarrioR™ was repfucked.
- Automatic Coding was repfucked.
- Zeon was repfucked.
- WinRAR™ was repfucked.
- Tundrun was repfucked.
- WarrioR™ was banned.
- OnTheFly was banned after having a compromised account.
- Makaveli The Don was banned for impersonating Staff.
- -Analog- was vacation banned.
- Levi was banned.
- Automatic Coding was banned for being a low quality member.
- Grammar Rays was banned for trolling... again.
- nicker was banned.
- Accident was vacation banned.
- Le Barney was vacation banned.
- mybboss was banned for trolling.
- WinRAR™ was banned.
- Professor Desiderius was vacation banned.
- Yellows got the Sticky Man award.
- Cody got the Da Bomb award.
- Daisy got the Master Donater award and the Cute and cuddly award.
Group Leadership changes
- Viral Dragon is no longer a leader of Root.
Rapture™ - And Then 0 Multiplied.
Ryan Frost - Natural Timetravel
Khoshy - Would the existence of extraterrestrial life disprove Christianity?
Phytrix: Welcome to the 111th edition of the HF News Feir! Before we get started, are there any shout outs you'd like to make?
Feir: Everyone I pm, and people who I chat with regularly.
Phytrix: I'm sure they'll all appreciate that. For those of you who don't know Feir, she is a SRPP frequent, with almost 2k posts in the section, and is indeed a female. How does your gender change your HF experience, if at all?
Feir: It doesn't really affect my experience. As most people call me bro, I'm not sure being female makes a difference. If I'm honest, I can give across a female's view sometimes, so that might be a difference?
Phytrix: I see. Definitely good to see that both genders are treated equally. While we are on the topic of feminism, what is your opinion women and 'adult movies'? Do you think it is degrading and objectifying, or simply a sign of liberation of freedom?
Feir: It depends why people are making the movies. If a woman is sexually outgoing and really enjoys making the films for money, then it would be liberating for her. She is earning her own income from doing something she enjoys. If she's being forced into it because of poverty or addiction, then it's not very liberating, IMO.
Phytrix: I completely agree. Where you live, capital punishment (death penalties) was abolished long ago. In other countries, however, capital punishment is still widely used. What is your opinion on capital punishment, and do you think it's justifiable?
Feir: It's never justifiable. I think we should continue to lock people up until a time comes where people won't need punishment at all. I do believe the human race will mature into a race where we will fully understand the implications of all actions and be more careful in how we choose to treat others. In cases where a criminal will never be rehabilitated, we should lock them up for life. All life is valuable, even life that seems worthless.
Phytrix: Another controversial topic is that of abortion. As a female you must have a strong view on this aspect of human life. You stated that all life is valuable, and based on that I have a slight hunch towards what you may say, although some would argue that a fetus isn't 'life'. Thoughts?
Feir: A fetus is alive, most definitely, but it's alive because two people created it. Once they create this life it becomes their responsibility. Though I do feel a fetus should have more rights, it's obvious that this world is not perfect and hasn't got the ability nor the resources to look after everything put onto it. I believe in a parent's right to take responsibility for their actions, and if that means they have looked into every possibility and can see no other option than abortion, then they have a right to do that. I've probably contradicted myself there, but that's how I feel. I have kids and know that it's a lifetime responsibility, so I can see why some people cannot take on the responsibility of a child.
Phytrix: Well, that was a great answer. There is a fine line between contradiction and logic, which you most definitely displayed the latter with that answer. Anyhow, homosexuality. It's a huge movement worldwide, what with all of the protests and campaigns. Do you support homosexuality, and do you believe homosexuals should be given marriage rights?
Feir: Homosexuals are humans; we all should have the same human rights, so obviously they should be allowed to get married. I'm not sure why people are so against them having rights. They want to publicly and legally declare their partnership. I do think it should legal to deny them those rights. I support anyone's sexuality, hence I don't like how people become restricted by genders or lifestyles that aren't harmful. The law won't back me up on making it illegal to deny them those rights, although I think denial of basic human rights should be illegal.
Phytrix: I have the same thoughts. What is your view of males, in general? Of course, every man is different, although I'm sure you've formed your fair share of general thoughts.
Feir: Men tend to be more 'self-glorious' in comparison to women, though that's not always the case. I like how some men support women and treat them as equals. I'm sure these men treat all people as valuable though and have unbiased views on most topics. When you support women and treat them as equals, you are also advancing men and their equality causes too.
Phytrix: With female equality only just starting to really catch up after centuries of male suppression, where do you think we stand as a whole with gender equality? What do you think still needs to be improved, or do you even think there is anything which needs to be downgraded in a sense?
Feir: Downgrades for women, as in go backwards with some advantages they have? Not really. We aren't fully treated as equals by everyone, but when that time comes, we won't need any advantages at all and they'll fizzle out because the rights won't be needed. The only improvements I can see that are needed are in childcare. It's still pretty much the women who end up with the children if a relationship breaks up, or even if you stay with a partner, it's still the father who works. Childcare is expensive, so I'm not sure how we would work out how to solve this problem... you don't have to have children and the expense of them shouldn't be passed on to anyone who decided not to take on the expense of having children. Hard problem to solve right now. Maybe if women received equal pay then it would be more feasible for the father to stay home with the kids. Some countries don't give women their rights; this needs improving.
Phytrix: I'll leave you with a final topic; ghosts. Some say they are real, some say they are fake. Who knows. Anyhow, do you believe in ghost, and what form do you think they take, if any? Why/why not?
Feir: Aw, this is such a confusing topic for me! I haven't ever seen a ghost in my lifetime and tend to believe they do show up to people in times of stress, like a trick of the mind that is comforting (or scary, depends what type of ghost). No idea what form they are, possibly a mirage? There are many people out there trying to prove ghosts are real. I'm not sure why they do this. My cynical side says it's so they can make money from it.
Phytrix: Haha, don't worry. You're not the only person skeptical on the topic. Anyhow, thanks for the interview. Any final thoughts/comments?
Feir: Thanks for your time. I always read the news, but didn't realize how much effort went into the interviews. I hope to see Hackforums continue for a long time, as I enjoy it here. Forgot to thank all who help me in the shout out, so will do that here.
Feir: Everyone I pm, and people who I chat with regularly.
Phytrix: I'm sure they'll all appreciate that. For those of you who don't know Feir, she is a SRPP frequent, with almost 2k posts in the section, and is indeed a female. How does your gender change your HF experience, if at all?
Feir: It doesn't really affect my experience. As most people call me bro, I'm not sure being female makes a difference. If I'm honest, I can give across a female's view sometimes, so that might be a difference?
Phytrix: I see. Definitely good to see that both genders are treated equally. While we are on the topic of feminism, what is your opinion women and 'adult movies'? Do you think it is degrading and objectifying, or simply a sign of liberation of freedom?
Feir: It depends why people are making the movies. If a woman is sexually outgoing and really enjoys making the films for money, then it would be liberating for her. She is earning her own income from doing something she enjoys. If she's being forced into it because of poverty or addiction, then it's not very liberating, IMO.
Phytrix: I completely agree. Where you live, capital punishment (death penalties) was abolished long ago. In other countries, however, capital punishment is still widely used. What is your opinion on capital punishment, and do you think it's justifiable?
Feir: It's never justifiable. I think we should continue to lock people up until a time comes where people won't need punishment at all. I do believe the human race will mature into a race where we will fully understand the implications of all actions and be more careful in how we choose to treat others. In cases where a criminal will never be rehabilitated, we should lock them up for life. All life is valuable, even life that seems worthless.
Phytrix: Another controversial topic is that of abortion. As a female you must have a strong view on this aspect of human life. You stated that all life is valuable, and based on that I have a slight hunch towards what you may say, although some would argue that a fetus isn't 'life'. Thoughts?
Feir: A fetus is alive, most definitely, but it's alive because two people created it. Once they create this life it becomes their responsibility. Though I do feel a fetus should have more rights, it's obvious that this world is not perfect and hasn't got the ability nor the resources to look after everything put onto it. I believe in a parent's right to take responsibility for their actions, and if that means they have looked into every possibility and can see no other option than abortion, then they have a right to do that. I've probably contradicted myself there, but that's how I feel. I have kids and know that it's a lifetime responsibility, so I can see why some people cannot take on the responsibility of a child.
Phytrix: Well, that was a great answer. There is a fine line between contradiction and logic, which you most definitely displayed the latter with that answer. Anyhow, homosexuality. It's a huge movement worldwide, what with all of the protests and campaigns. Do you support homosexuality, and do you believe homosexuals should be given marriage rights?
Feir: Homosexuals are humans; we all should have the same human rights, so obviously they should be allowed to get married. I'm not sure why people are so against them having rights. They want to publicly and legally declare their partnership. I do think it should legal to deny them those rights. I support anyone's sexuality, hence I don't like how people become restricted by genders or lifestyles that aren't harmful. The law won't back me up on making it illegal to deny them those rights, although I think denial of basic human rights should be illegal.
Phytrix: I have the same thoughts. What is your view of males, in general? Of course, every man is different, although I'm sure you've formed your fair share of general thoughts.
Feir: Men tend to be more 'self-glorious' in comparison to women, though that's not always the case. I like how some men support women and treat them as equals. I'm sure these men treat all people as valuable though and have unbiased views on most topics. When you support women and treat them as equals, you are also advancing men and their equality causes too.
Phytrix: With female equality only just starting to really catch up after centuries of male suppression, where do you think we stand as a whole with gender equality? What do you think still needs to be improved, or do you even think there is anything which needs to be downgraded in a sense?
Feir: Downgrades for women, as in go backwards with some advantages they have? Not really. We aren't fully treated as equals by everyone, but when that time comes, we won't need any advantages at all and they'll fizzle out because the rights won't be needed. The only improvements I can see that are needed are in childcare. It's still pretty much the women who end up with the children if a relationship breaks up, or even if you stay with a partner, it's still the father who works. Childcare is expensive, so I'm not sure how we would work out how to solve this problem... you don't have to have children and the expense of them shouldn't be passed on to anyone who decided not to take on the expense of having children. Hard problem to solve right now. Maybe if women received equal pay then it would be more feasible for the father to stay home with the kids. Some countries don't give women their rights; this needs improving.
Phytrix: I'll leave you with a final topic; ghosts. Some say they are real, some say they are fake. Who knows. Anyhow, do you believe in ghost, and what form do you think they take, if any? Why/why not?
Feir: Aw, this is such a confusing topic for me! I haven't ever seen a ghost in my lifetime and tend to believe they do show up to people in times of stress, like a trick of the mind that is comforting (or scary, depends what type of ghost). No idea what form they are, possibly a mirage? There are many people out there trying to prove ghosts are real. I'm not sure why they do this. My cynical side says it's so they can make money from it.
Phytrix: Haha, don't worry. You're not the only person skeptical on the topic. Anyhow, thanks for the interview. Any final thoughts/comments?
Feir: Thanks for your time. I always read the news, but didn't realize how much effort went into the interviews. I hope to see Hackforums continue for a long time, as I enjoy it here. Forgot to thank all who help me in the shout out, so will do that here.
Interview - Paradoxum
+Entity: For our 111th edition (lucky number!) of the HF News, we have Paradoxum,
our newest addition to the staff team on Hack Forums. Do you have any
shoutouts you want to make to the readers before we go on?
Paradoxum: That must mean I'm lucky. ♥ Let's see... Hola to iBruteforce, Miah, T3h Hack3r, AlbinoShadow, -Analog-, Qwazz and a bunch of other people I can't remember right now.
+Entity: I'm probably in the "bunch of other people" category. :P How did you come to HF and meet your current friends?
Paradoxum: Yes, yes you are. I've been here since 2009 and I do not know why and how exactly I came across these people. If anything, I would attribute everything to two groups of people. First, Skill and Saged for making me a leader of The Alliance when I least expected--actually never thought of--it, and second, Soldier of Fortune and Valiant for picking me as a HJT Trainee quite after a few days of applying. Being in both teams is what got me started and ever since, I have been associated with a wide network of many different members, a few of which I have become real friends with.
+Entity: Those groups are some of the most coveted around HF. I'm hoping I can be a HJT Trainee one day. Any advice to those prospective trainees?
Paradoxum: I can't really say anything when the program has not been launched yet, yes?
+Entity: Good point. I suppose only a little while longer. What got you interested in the HJT Team and TA? Why have you stuck with those groups out of any other group?
Paradoxum: I have been wondering the same thing. My main interest has always been related to the field of forensics and malware analysis and therefore I think it is given why I found the HJT Team to be a worthy pursuit. As for The Alliance, it is because of how Skill treated his members back when it started. I knew he was a leader who genuinely cared about his members. He had a good eye and picked those who understood what the group was for.
+Entity: So you were surprised but not in total shock. Having been made a Mentor must have given you a hint, maybe?
Paradoxum: Actually, it didn't. If Omniscient wanted to promote me at that time, I think he would have skipped giving me Mentor. It isn't a necessity for people to undergo being a Mentor to become Staff. This proves true in bugga's case and she is not any less competent than those who were indirectly promoted. Being a Mentor, however, played a role in the rise of my activity. In essence, perhaps it did contribute but I cannot be certain as no one really knows Omniscient's exact criteria for Staff. I know I don't.
+Entity: I see. Do you think people will ever bother to read your signature thoroughly? The blacklist grows every day.
Paradoxum: No. I take diabolical delight in seeing a continuously growing list of people who cannot read.
+Entity: Illiteracy grows every day. Do you have any final words for the crowd?
Paradoxum: Learn to read? :3
Paradoxum: That must mean I'm lucky. ♥ Let's see... Hola to iBruteforce, Miah, T3h Hack3r, AlbinoShadow, -Analog-, Qwazz and a bunch of other people I can't remember right now.
+Entity: I'm probably in the "bunch of other people" category. :P How did you come to HF and meet your current friends?
Paradoxum: Yes, yes you are. I've been here since 2009 and I do not know why and how exactly I came across these people. If anything, I would attribute everything to two groups of people. First, Skill and Saged for making me a leader of The Alliance when I least expected--actually never thought of--it, and second, Soldier of Fortune and Valiant for picking me as a HJT Trainee quite after a few days of applying. Being in both teams is what got me started and ever since, I have been associated with a wide network of many different members, a few of which I have become real friends with.
+Entity: Those groups are some of the most coveted around HF. I'm hoping I can be a HJT Trainee one day. Any advice to those prospective trainees?
Paradoxum: I can't really say anything when the program has not been launched yet, yes?
+Entity: Good point. I suppose only a little while longer. What got you interested in the HJT Team and TA? Why have you stuck with those groups out of any other group?
Paradoxum: I have been wondering the same thing. My main interest has always been related to the field of forensics and malware analysis and therefore I think it is given why I found the HJT Team to be a worthy pursuit. As for The Alliance, it is because of how Skill treated his members back when it started. I knew he was a leader who genuinely cared about his members. He had a good eye and picked those who understood what the group was for.
+Entity: So you were surprised but not in total shock. Having been made a Mentor must have given you a hint, maybe?
Paradoxum: Actually, it didn't. If Omniscient wanted to promote me at that time, I think he would have skipped giving me Mentor. It isn't a necessity for people to undergo being a Mentor to become Staff. This proves true in bugga's case and she is not any less competent than those who were indirectly promoted. Being a Mentor, however, played a role in the rise of my activity. In essence, perhaps it did contribute but I cannot be certain as no one really knows Omniscient's exact criteria for Staff. I know I don't.
+Entity: I see. Do you think people will ever bother to read your signature thoroughly? The blacklist grows every day.
Paradoxum: No. I take diabolical delight in seeing a continuously growing list of people who cannot read.
+Entity: Illiteracy grows every day. Do you have any final words for the crowd?
Paradoxum: Learn to read? :3
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